As a member of the online book community, I know BSB is often lauded as a co-op bookstore. As an owner I would be sad to see that changed. But I think it’s also very cool for BSB to be a nonprofit, and if that fits the store’s and community’s needs better, I’m for it.

Didn’t Semicolon Bookstore in Chicago recently reorg as a nonprofit?

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Semicolon Bookstore is hugely inspiring, thanks for pointing it out! It looks like proprietor DL Mullen started it as a nonprofit rather than restructuring as we are thinking of doing. I'd love to hear more from you about what would be lost if we changed from a coop to a nonprofit--I get the sadness, because being a coop is such a huge and proud part of our identity. I probably should have emphasized that the nonprofit could/would still be member- or owner-supported, and we'd bake an intense responsiveness to the community into the structure and mission. Would you consider reaching out to me to discuss your thoughts more?

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Interesting! I was reading this, which seems to imply they had to switch. Maybe she completely closed and then reopened from scratch? https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/06/12/semicolon-bookstore-closing-temporarily-as-owner-transitions-business-to-nonprofit-renovates/

Happy to reach out and chat more, although I'm not sure my thoughts are super well-formed. Let me know the best way!

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This is fantastic. I know nothing of the legal ins and outs, but I'd be happy to chat any time if it would ever be helpful to talk to the community.

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